Foster Parent Interfering with Reunification

Foster Parent Interfering with Reunification

It has been discovered in many cases involving Child Protective Services that foster parents may interfere, either intentionally or unintentionally, with the process of reuniting a child with their biological family. If a foster parent does interfere with this process, various possible outcomes or situations may arise. Failure to support visitations: The foster parent might … Read more

Regret Having Kids? How to Deal with Overwhelming Parenting.

Regret Having Kids? How to Deal with Overwhelming Parenting.

Yes, it’s possible for someone to regret having children. Parenthood is a significant life decision that comes with a wide range of responsibilities, challenges, and emotions. Some individuals may find themselves feeling overwhelmed, unprepared, or unsatisfied with the experience of raising children. Other factors such as financial difficulties, relationship strain, or personal aspirations can also … Read more

How do I Parent an Autistic Teenager

How do I Parent an Autistic Teenager

Caring for an autistic child involves providing support, understanding, and guidance tailored to their unique needs. It calls for establish a safe and supportive environment at home that accommodates your child’s sensory sensitivities and preferences. Minimize sensory overload by reducing noise, providing comfortable seating, and using calming visual aids. The Five Difficult Areas in Parenting … Read more

How to be a More Present Parent

How to be a More Present Parent

Being a more present parent involves consciously and actively engaging with your children in meaningful ways, focusing on the present moment rather than being preoccupied or distracted. Here are some tips to help you become a more present parent: Set Boundaries and Limit Distractions Establish clear boundaries between work, personal time, and family time. When … Read more

Blessings of Caring for Aging Parents

Blessings of Caring for Aging Parents

Caring for aging parents is a meaningful and often profound experience that comes with its own set of challenges and blessings. While it can be demanding and emotionally taxing, it also offers numerous blessings and rewards. Here are some of the blessings of caring for aging parents: Deepened Relationships Providing care for aging parents can … Read more

Is Parental Alienation Illegal

Is Parental Alienation Illegal

Parental alienation may occur frequently during or after a divorce or separation. It is a situation in which one parent manipulates or influences a child to reject or have negative feelings towards the other parent. Parental alienation is illegal as the law foresees it as a remedy to impede the aggravation of the alienation process. … Read more

What is Reasonable Phone Contact Non-custodial Parent

What is Reasonable Phone Contact Non-custodial Parent

Reasonable phone contact” for a non-custodial parent typically refers to a level of communication that allows the non-custodial parent to maintain a meaningful and ongoing relationship with their child through phone calls. However, the specifics of what constitutes “reasonable” can vary based on individual circumstances and any court orders or custody agreements in place.  A … Read more